Chair’s Report – July 2024


Thank you to everyone that has taken time out of your busy schedule to attended today, what a great place to be to hold a first General meeting with the new committee, Mundubbera is very dear to me as you may know, I wasborn and raised here and then went onto Gayndah after m schooling to start my hairdressing apprenticeship.

It’s been a great start to my role as I have a great management committee beside me, I would like to thank the new committee for stepping forward to take on your roles, also thank the outgoing committee for the hard work that have put in over the last year.

The BBIRT will be the longest rail trail in Australia when completed which is 270km currently we have just under 80 kms open and all going to plan we will have more opened in the very near future.

The North Burnett Region are very fortunate as they have some very active small towns that the rail trail go through such as Gayndah, Mundubbera, Eidsvold and Monto unfortunately the rail trail in the Gladstone Region only have a total of 2 shop in which are at Builyan & Ubobo, this is why we are all here I believe is to support and enhance tourist opportunities the length of the whole trail and to inject money back into these communities.

I would like to introduce our new committee,

Kevin Roth – Vice President
Vicki Mackay – Secretary
Graeme Frankham – Treasurer
Fay Harness
Meryn King
Mike Goebel
Mick Colyer
Kyle Adams

Also, we have a fantastic grants officer, Jill Hopson that has been completing our grants for BBIRT which Vicki will cover off on shortly.

And like to thank their partners for supporting them in this role as it its not a committee you just turn up to once a month, we have committee meeting, numerous phone calls, bill to pay, grants to source, letters to writing, bridges to inspect and much more.

Today we have a few announcements to make which is very exciting for the residents of the North Burnett which I will leave up to the relevant committee members to announce.

But also, today I would like to announce, with collaboration with the Rotary Club of Mundubbera we have gained funding to gravel re-sheet 850metres which is the section from the Railway Station to the first bridge toward the Ski Area. Also, previously the Rotary Club had gained funding to upgrade this section which they have some money in the kitty which was left that they do some more work on that section of the Boyne Burnett Inand Rail Trail.

I would like to thank you all again for attending today, if you’re not a member please see Vicki after the meeting, you will receive emails and other information by becoming a member and it’s not very expensive.

Thank you, Mundubbera for having us, we look forward to working with you all in the future.


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