Burnett River Bridges Report February 2025

Greetings everyone! With a hot muggy February for the most part. Minor rainfall in Gayndah of 31mm comprising of misty showers kept the grass maintenance in full swing with a scheduled program.

An interesting month, quite a bit of news in the bird world with the placing of a Pale Headed Eastern Rosella birdbox at Dirnbir Siding, hoping that they will take up residence in the near future, a big thanks to all involved.

BBIRT is in Partnership with the Gayndah Regional Gallery and North Burnett Regional Council with a RADF project (Bird Art on the Trail), this will entail the placing of 12 pieces of art on the trail between Reid’s Creek and Mundubbera. Volunteers have been busy with the placing of plinths for these panels for the opening set for Saturday 10th May.

A new rest area has been created at Humphery Bridge No1, this project has taken considerable time but is slowly coming together, initiated to protect the abutment of our historical bridge. Fencing and tree planting has taken place.

While conducting watering and maintenance (Bill our Ulcoq’s road rehabilitation area volunteer) counted 37 Quails in three separate groups throughout the morning utilising drains for crossings from grassed areas.

Spraying of Bindii and various weeds is ongoing, with some success with Thatch Grass control. Upcoming Lantana and Leucaena spray programs will have to be initiated.

Our volunteer Doug has been busy at Reid’s Creek to Dirnbir rehabilitation reserve with considerable brush cutting having taken place.

A great walk and place to take in a view of the historical Reid’s Creek bridge, accessible from Dirnbir Siding 1.5 klms East to Reid’s Creek.

As always, a big ‘Thank You’ to everyone involved and for supporting our great trail.
Till next month
Mike Goebel

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