Gregor is from Kalpowar which is a village at the top of the range close to the Dawes Range Tunnels.
He offered to do some clean up work at the tunnels.
TMR had recently done work fixing and cleaning up a gravel slip above one of the tunnels.
It had another slip recently.
I cannot imagine the amount of work and time Greg has put in here. This is tons of gravel shifted by hand, on his own.
The implement on the tunnel side of the photo above is a pelican pick, so called for its shape. It is especially good for this type of work, and is the first one I have seen.
Greg owns “The Barracks” in Kalpowar which I think used to be owned by the Forestry Department, and is doing them up for accommodation for Rail Trailers. The barracks directly adjoin the trail in Kalpowar, in a pretty setting and outlook.
Click/tap the images to enlarge.

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One Response
Great work, all of you, will get out after opening to ride it ?